Delivering the Utmost in Customer Service
In a business environment where customers are more demanding, competition is fierce and change happens quickly, Allied Bank & Trust seeks to recruit and retain employees with the attitude and enthusiasm to succeed. Allied Bank & Trust People are committed to outstanding work and a desire to be the best. We are a results and action oriented organization. Consequently, managers focus on results and target specific areas for improvement. This commitment to excellence is a thread running through every operating company of the Alliance Bank Group. It is a priority at ALBT to effectively promote this ideal among our employees.
Allied Bank & Trust is an equal opportunity employer and does not condone unfair treatment of any kind. We value equality, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, gender, marital status, disability, religious or political persuasion. In our campaign to create a dynamic working environment we insist that employment and advancement be based on Merit, capability, experience and talent – selecting the best people and providing them with the opportunity to reach their full potential. Our employees are our most valued assets and we recognize and celebrate their contribution to our drive to deliver value.